
Here’s my horoscope for today:

If you’ve been so busy helping others lately, dear Pisces, it may be time to replenish your spirit. If you currently engage in regular meditation, this can be the best way to rejuvenate. If you haven’t tried this approach before, find out about it. […] You won’t regret learning this ancient technique.

I had wanted to live in a place where there would be a room expressly designated as the meditation room. Unfortunately, paying for an extra bedroom was completely out of the question. I’ve talked about meditation, but I never really gave it a proper try. I’ve relied more on techniques for relaxation I learned from someone who was into hypnosis.

In any case, my spirit isn’t quite in need of replenishment as my horoscope suggests; however, there are people I know—friends for whom I care deeply—who might benefit from a little bit of mind relaxation, even though they were not born under the Pisces sign as I was.

Delight (Groove Is In The Blog)

What is love? I think I know what love is. I think I know what love is. I think I know… I think.

What is love? What is love?

How do you say delicious, de-lovely, delectable, divine? How do you say de-gorgeous, de-with-it, de-groovy, de-fine? Ooh la la la la-la-la-la la. Etc.

What is love?

How do you say delicious? How do you say de-lovely? How do you say delectable? How do you say divine? How do you say de-groovy, de-with-it? How do you say Deee-Lite?

We’ve been trying to find out: Is there really such a thing? Right.

Halloween Is Fast Upon Us

Tomorrow night, radio stations all over the country will be broadcasting a new narration of H.G. Wells’ War of the Worlds complete with orchestrations and effects, like the Orson Welles broadcast.

Denise and I picked up most of our costumes last night for the Halloween party. Still on our list are candy, prizes, and a thousand blank white cards. Here’s another reminder: the party is Saturday night, 7:30 pm, at our apartment.

Just Like The Eminem Song

There’s a pumpkin on my computer’s monitor. At work. I don’t mean that there’s a picture of a pumpkin being displayed on my monitor, I mean there’s a pumpkin sitting on top of my monitor.

It’s okay though, because I put it there. It’s just a little pumpkin.

Work has been less than intellectually stimulating lately. By lately I mean since I started. Why can’t I just get a job and be happy? Maybe if I were back teaching…

Over the weekend I worked at marching band state championships. Once again, it was great to be around these wonderful, intelligent, talented people. They always have job leads for me. I have to start paying attention and following up. The way I look at it, I think I’ve got what it takes to be a great high school teacher, and eventually, when I’ve got a bit of experience and possibly another degree, I could be a principal of some sort. I would be very good at that sort of thing.

In order to start teaching again, I’m going to need a car. I’m also going to have to find a way to afford the insurance.

You’re the cutiest of the Scoobies
With your lips as red as rubies
And your firm, yet supple… tight embrace.

New Toy

You may remember (or most likely, you won’t) my digital camera was stolen almost a year ago. I finally decided I had the money to purchase a new one. So I went out and found myself the Canon Powershot S30 with all the appropriate accessories (additional memory card, USB card reader, etc.). I’m happy with the way it’s working so far. It has a lot of interesting SLR-like features. Now I just have to learn how to use everything.

I already discovered that it’s difficult to take pictures of moving objects (in this case, people marching on a muddy football field) at night, but if I play around with strange-sounding things like “apertures” and “shutter speed” and “f-stops” then maybe I’ll figure out how to make the best of it. But all the other pictures I’ve taken so far have come out very nice.

They Just Keep Coming

My horoscope today, in case you were wondering:

Give your life meaning today by truly feeling the beauty in every moment you live, dear Pisces. There is no need to beat yourself up about the past, so move on. It also does no good to beat yourself up about the present. You are at the right place at the right time, so don’t waste your energy by thinking you should be somewhere else. There is plenty of fun and adventure to be had right where you are.


Vs lbh gbbx gur gvzr gb svther guvf bhg, V pbatenghyngr lbh,
jvfr fve be znqnz. Gur ceboyrz vf V whfg qvqag unir nalguvat
gb fnl gbqnl, fb V pnzr hc jvgu guvf vafgrnq. Qvq lbh xabj
gung gur bayl ebg13 flabalz vf “irk?” Jura rapbqrq, gur jbeq
vf “vex” juvpu zrnaf cerggl zhpu gur fnzr guvat.

Lbh zvtug guvax guvf vf Xyvatba, ohg guvax ntnva. Vg’f n fvzcyr
yrggre ebgngvba rapelcgvba fpurzr, hfrq va gur byq qnlf bs ernqvat
Hfrarg arjf. Nu gur tbbq byq qnlf.

Bapr ntnva, pbatenghyngvbaf sbe orvat fhpu n nfghgr sryybj naq
qrgrezvavat gur fbyhgvba gb guvf (engure fvzcyr) pvcure. Qba’g
lbh srry orggre xabjvat gung lbh ner fb fzeg?

And Don’t Forget

Who: You. Yes, you. All readers and their friends. Don’t be shy.

What: Halloween Party. Prizes for your costumes. Games. Movies. Candy. Wiccan rituals. Piñatas.

When: Saturday, November 2 at 7:30pm (aka All Souls’ Day for all you goyim).

Where: My residence in central New Jersey—email me for directions. There’s room if you need or want to crash. By “crash” I mean “stay overnight,” not “fly an airplane into the apartment complex.”