Weekend Wrap-Up

I saw the Signs and it opened up my eyes. I saw the Signs. No one’s gonna drag you up to get into the light where you belong.

It was a good movie. Not as good as The Sixth Sense or Unbreakable. It wasn’t as scary as other people have thought, but maybe I just don’t get scared by movies. I also didn’t find it as preachy as other people had warned. It was lots of fun, and I always like M. Night’s conclusions.

Best. Star Trek Line. Ever

Cmdr. Riker finishes his encounter with a young woman, unsatisfied because he’s on duty and doesn’t want to get involved with her. He contacts the bridge through his communicator.

RIKER: Captain, if you need me, I’ll be on Holodeck 4.

Making Me Frustrated

Listen, I’m sorry he tried to kill your daddy. Revenge as a justification for war is only for the weak and stupid. But you’re right, it’s not a “partisan” issue. It’s a human issue. When something is not going your way it’s easy to call it “partisan.” Hopefully this is the last thing I’ll write on here about a “War on Iraq.”

On a lighter note, make your own Bush speech. (He will read what you write.) It’s a fun way to make him sound even more confusled and befudded, but the website may be slow to respond since everyone seems to be checking it out.

Autumnal Equinox

Happy fall! Here are the things I’d like to do this season, in no particular order:

  • See Blast II: Shockwave
  • Go to a Ben Folds concert
  • Host a Halloween party
  • Go apple-picking
  • See a drive-in movie in Maine — I hear there’s a theater somewhere in that state
  • Rent a convertible for a weekend drive
  • See the leaves change color in New England
  • See high school students put their hearts into performing

Quick Fixes

Along with the new design, I’ve activated my XML RSS feed so you can syndicate Several Species if you so desire, I’ve fixed my archives so they match the rest of the site, I’ve added the TrackBack feature (which allows those of you with your own weblogs/journals to add a link to your discussions on my pages), and linked to my PayPal donation (anything donated goes right to paying off my student loans) and Amazon.com wish list websites.

We now return you to your regularly scheduled content.

UPDATE: Added an RSS 1.0 feed to the already existent 0.91 version.