It’s Going To Be Amazing

Lance Bass, of the amazing ‘N Sync popcrapgroup has amazingly been approved by NASA to be launched into space.

The 23-year-old member of the popular boy band told reporters the point of his space adventure is to inspire kids to become astronauts, scientists, or anything else — no matter how difficult or seemingly impossible.

Sure, if you’ve got 20 million dollars lying around…

English Language Gripe

I got this email from my department’s HR contact yesterday: Due to the holiday (Labor Day) on Monday Septemeber 2nd, all overtime and part-time sheets are due in to me by 12:00 pm Friday, August 30th.

The subject of the email was, “Accelerated Pay Cycle.” The pay cycle has not in fact gotten any faster these last two weeks. (In fact, the last two weeks seem to have dragged along at a rapidly declining pace — maybe they meant a negatively accelerating pay cycle.) The pay cycle has also not increased (another meaning of the word “accelerate”). I do not have to prepare my time sheet faster, just earlier. Silly, silly English.


We have a new addition to our apartment. Unfortunately, he won’t be contributing to the rent. His name is Lou, which is short for Louie, which is short for L’Oiseau de feu. He’s a betta fish.

Some Laws

Just for future information, in case it ever comes up:

Limit on amount of deposit

The most a landlord can collect as a security deposit is one and one-half times the monthly rent. Cite: NJSA 46:8-21.2. There are no exceptions to this limit.

Notice of security deposit

The Rent Security Deposit Act requires the landlord to put your security deposit in a separate bank account that pays interest. The landlord must tell you in writing the name and address of the bank where the deposit is being kept, and the amount of the deposit. The law also states that if the landlord does not give you this written notice within 30 days after you pay the security deposit, the landlord loses the right to hold the security deposit.

I wish I knew this stuff several months ago. Now I do.


Introducing Mr. Mark V. Shaney. Here’s a quote of a quote:

And don’t go telling me to use Microsoft’s built-in Direct Cable Connection because I love them and I realized that I linked to a link to a link to an article at about how Eminem’s new album, The Eminem Show, jumped to the links to the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), where he is Director of the glaring signals to me that you know was designed for PC-to-PC communications, but the portions are huge, the service is held for family and friends and then when it’s over the cemetery buries the casket wherever it wants.