Let’s Get Moving Already

The summer seems to be a time for moving. Three women I work with here at the Company are moving to new positions within the building. One of them is the woman I replaced temporarily while she was on vacation—this is how I got the job in the first place. Since she came back, I’ve added on quite a bit of responsibilites, and now that there will probably be a lapse before someone else is hired, I’m sure I’ll be busy for a while.

But being busy is a good thing; I could really use the overtime pay. Although, the time spent in the office will cut into the time spent working on my Project.

Speaking about the Project ,I had wanted the beta testing to start this Friday, but now because of some new developments, that might not be possible. This brings us back to the fact that summer seems to be a time for moving.

My roommate called today in tears because Comcast shut off our cable and internet connection due to non-payment. It seems she had been hiding the bills in fear or having to spend money. Since we split everything half way but all the bills are in her name, I do not worry about this stuff until she feels it’s important to show me the bills. Since she hides the bills I never see them. Well, I called Comcast and paid what I needed to pay for them to reconnect the service since I need it tonight to work on a client’s website (I wouldn’t have paid the bill otherwise). She’s going to find that she will need to come up with some cash to pay me back ASAP, since I will be moving to an apartment back in good old Lawrenceville. I’ll give me thirty days’ notice, she’ll use some of the money from the security deposit (which I am sure she deposited into an interest-bearing account—HA!) to pay for my last month’s rent. Even though I’m giving thirty days I’m pretty sure I’ll be out within the next seven days.

Well, in any case, it’ll be nice to live in apartment where 4,999 of my 5,000 roommates aren’t several species of small furry bugs.

3 thoughts on “Let’s Get Moving Already”

  1. That would be 5001 roommates – don’t forget about the oh so cute little mouse we found!
    Yeah – it’ll be good to get you out of Jersey City.


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