Everyone’s Your Friend in NYC

I went into New York last night to have dinner at Harry’s Burritos with Stacey and friends for her birthday. Mexican food has been in the air lately, as the previous night I had dinner at Chevys. I was further invited by Stacey’s friends to see Maceo Parker on Thursday as well as to see one of Stacey’s friends perform in a choir this weekend. I’m probably going to pass on Maceo. I just don’t have enough money to spend on all these concerts lately, including the Indigo Girls tonight and especially with the possibility of seeing Ben Folds next week. In my opinion when it comes to spending money, Live Music is a good expense, and I have completely paid off all of my credit card debt, but I’m still repaying my student loans and my Debt to Society.

Addendum: They Might Be Giants are doing an in-store signing appearance in New York on June 11, the day their new album, No, is finally released. How can I pass that up?

Fun, Fun, Fun…

… In the Sun, Sun, Sun…

The weather lately has been great. This past weekend I bought a new frisbee to celebrate being outdoors. It set me back three bucks, but it was worth it. There will be more celebration today with Becca involving Chevys. Tomorrow is Stacey’s day with dinner in New York. Wednesday I will be celebrating with Sushi in the City and the Indigo Girls. I love the summer.