Moving Forward

The offer has been made. I made a counter-offer. There were negotiations. I’ll let them know on Monday.

It’s a good thing. Yeah for medical benefits! Yeah for dental benefits! Yeah for 401k!

I settled for lower base salary than I wanted but I guess it’s still a bad time to be too picky.

Change In Post

Well, this was a post talking about Linux vs. Windows, but I’ve decided to delete it and include this quote from Red Dwarf instead. (Your task is to follow the links.)


These guys aren’t Nazis, they’re all wearing different period costumes! There’s one that looks like Al Capone! There’s another like Mussolini! Richard the Third! Napoleon! … It’s like all the worst people in history have been brought together in one place! … They’re just lining up in some kind of firing squad. Whoa… someone’s being brought out! They’re tying him to a stake.


It’s Winnie The Pooh, I swear! … He’s refusing the blindfold! …

(sounds of gunfire)

That’s something no one should ever have to see.

Scariness In The Philippines

This is horrible. Irate fans at a rock concert (held at a church) threw a grenade into the crowd, killing seven people and injuring 127, when the band did not allow the kids to join the stage with them.

This just proves that rock is the music of the devil, and your parents’ parents were right for shunning the Beatles.

It Must Be Insomnia

My Dear Readers, I have some good news. For those who are unsatisfied with my choice of colors, as much as I want to say “screw off,” it’s in my nature to make people happy. In the next post down you’ll see a color scheme chooser. Browse through the choices, and make sure your favorite is the last one you visit. Your choice will be saved as a cookie (if you have that feature enabled) so that you’ll see the website in your choice of colors every time you visit.

If you’re still not satisfied… screw off and design your own. :>

Also, I posted something new to the “Books and Music” area on the sidebar over there. As I post there more, you can check out my previous postings in that section by activating the “Previously” link.

Download the music and enjoy.