Tempus Fugit

Tempus quickly fugit, yet things seem to take so long. Tempus fugit except when you’re waiting. I’ll be thirty in four years. It sounds so far away, but four years from now four years ago will be just like yesterday. I know what I want now, for the most part (but the specifics remain undefined). How do I get there?

Tempus is running out.

You may find that you are extremely indecisive today, dear Pisces, and can’t seem to find solutions that you can live with. Realize that you don’t need to finalize anything right now. In fact, use this day to simply lay low and gather data. People may seem insensitive and erratic. Don’t sweat it. You have a great deal of warmth and passion to share with others. You may find that a strong, unpredictable force is affecting your emotions.

6 thoughts on “Tempus Fugit”

  1. Ergh. Sucks, doesn’t it? Had a big financial discussion with my parents this weekend (about the inheriting of property, or not), and it was extremely depressing, on a lot of levels. Relative to this thread, though, I realized that my parents had already bought their 2nd house by the time they were my age.

  2. Running out? Are you nuts? Just because you’re 26? You are a mere quarter of the way through your life. You’ve got PLENTY of time. That doesn’t mean you should sit around and do nothing, but it also means that you don’t need to pull your hair out because something is taking more than a week. Patience is a virtue.

    And well, Jessa June, as for your parents buying their second house by the time they were your age, also remember that just as there is an inflation in currency, there is also an inflation in age (of sorts). People did things when they were younger, in the past. They got married right after high school and often did not go to college. They almost never went to graduate school. So, of course they were buying their second house. But things don’t go that way, anymore, for a good many people. So don’t worry about it.

  3. How do you know I have plenty of time? How are you confident that I am a mere quarter of the way through my life? Because the average person lives to 100 (which isn’t true at all)? I didn’t realize my life and how long I will live was mapped out, and you have the map. :>What if I die next week? Or tomorrow? Wouldn’t I want to be happy with the way I lived and the contributions I’ve made to the world and to the people around me? I would want to feel that my life had been worth something to someone, regardless of how I’ve screwed up in the past.

  4. Yeah, but you can’t really live with those assumptions. Again, I’m not saying do nothing, or plan on not really doing anything for the next 25 years. I’m just saying that you can’t stress about these things because it doesn’t help.

  5. You have a good point about age inflation, Darren… but I still found it somewhat depressing that I’m living in a small studio apt. with cats when my parents had the 2nd house, 2 kids, and were buying additional property… Oy.

    Huzzah for pointing out that stressing doesn’t help. Now if my logical brain could just kick the rest of me… easier said than done, eh?

    Spike: [hug]

  6. Okay so you’re all old. I turned 21 last month and I’m getting married next year!

    The time goes too fast. But I don’t think of what if I die tomorrow, mainly cos i don’t have time. We both still live at home and we have to get a place soon. I realised that my parents had a place when my mum was younger than me.

    That makes you feel old!


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