Well, this was a post talking about Linux vs. Windows, but I’ve decided to delete it and include this quote from Red Dwarf instead. (Your task is to follow the links.)
These guys aren’t Nazis, they’re all wearing different period costumes! There’s one that looks like Al Capone! There’s another like Mussolini! Richard the Third! Napoleon! … It’s like all the worst people in history have been brought together in one place! … They’re just lining up in some kind of firing squad. Whoa… someone’s being brought out! They’re tying him to a stake.
It’s Winnie The Pooh, I swear! … He’s refusing the blindfold! …
(sounds of gunfire)
That’s something no one should ever have to see.
Definitely the funniest episode of Red Dwarf ever…
You haven’t seen Series 8 yet.
8? I haven’t seen 7.
You left before I could show them to you.
As fas as funniest, I think Backwards ranks up there…