In Advancement of My “Career”

I found out some details about the position they plan on offering me here. My title would be Senior Administrative Assistant and my salary offered (mentioned to me by an HR person “off the record”) will be… less than I expected. I’ve started doing a little salary research, and I’ve found that the average salary for an Administrative Assistant (without the Senior bit) in my area is $5,000 more than what they are offering me.

So I plan to do some research and give a good argument as to why I deserve more money.

But the thing is that I don’t really want to be a Senior Administrative Assistant. In order to move to another job at this company, I’d have to stay in this first one for a year. So… I guess I’ll go through all the steps, negotiate a higher salary if I can, continue freelance web design on the side, and learn everything I can about .NET. I’m not going to wait a year in an Admin Assistant job with just the chance something better will come up at this company.

My boss owns a couple of businesses on the side… makes lots of money. I have to start hanging around him more.

3 thoughts on “In Advancement of My “Career””

  1. It sounds like you’re going about this in the right way, though. Research, persuasion, networking, new skills. All good things for helping you find something better a little ways down the road. Meanwhile, a steady paycheck wouldn’t be a bad thing, no? 🙂 Good luck!


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