Here’s a different take on the Friday Five. Today:
1. I got stuck in a hurricane in a dirty city. The thing about being in a dirty city during a hurricane is that you will get much of the dirt and garbage that comes from the streets and the sidewalks in your face.
2. I saw Macbeth in the West Village. I like the West Village. I should go there more often. I went with Stacey‘s roommate, Jessie, and their friend Anne. Stacey dropped out a few days ago because something else came up, and their other friend, Amber, dropped out because of the hurricane.
3. I’m calling it a hurricane, but it probably wasn’t really technically a hurricane. You’d have to check with the National Weather Service.
4. A major web project, which has been annoying me lately (not LSK) is pretty much done and I should be getting paid soon.
5. I might be able to get a new cell phone for free. That should make me happy, since my current one tends to get bad reception and the battery life is practically non-existent. In fact, “battery life” is pretty much an oxymoron.
Free? How are you working that one?
A friend of a coworker sells cell phones, and apparently he’d be willing to turn his commission check around to me, which I would use to pay for the phone. We’ll see how it works out…
yeah. that storm sucked. took me 2 hrs to get from ny penn station to edison. argh.
All of the sudden it got real dark, and the lights went off. My son started crying because we were left in total darkness for a few, but he quickly got over it as he discovered how much fun it is to watch rain and thunder and lightning from the safety of the living room. Then a tree split from the winds and landed right on the shed, which I had to spend all weekend ripping into with a chainsaw to get it down. I don’t even think my wife knew that there was a storm, she was on her train from NYC the whole time.