First of all, I would like to start today’s entry with the following announcement. There is no Lisa Simpson Porn here. I’m not sure why This Is Not A Website comes up in the search results.
Well, I’ve been living in my new apartment for a few days now. Let me say that my roommate is very nice. The apartment on the other hand is not so great. I don’t know how I missed the big hookah in the living room when I was first checking out the place.
I think there’s something wrong with the ethernet hub I have. I don’t seem to be able to split the cable modem connection between my computer and my roommate’s, so looks like I will continue to remain offline in the evening. Of course, Comcast does not support networking and will not assist me with my hub. I might need to get a router. Ugh.
Thus I continue to search for inner happiness… and for jobs in other parts of the country. Looking around, there doesn’t seem to be anything keeping me tied to Jersey except for my father and this job. As for my father, he would still help me as much as he could if I needed him to no matter where I live, and as for the job, since I’m starting at the bottom anyway I could probably just start at the bottom somewhere else.
Addendum: And wouldn’t you know it, here’s today’s horoscope:
You need to start giving yourself more credit, dear Pisces. You have tremendous talents, many of them untapped. If you would just begin to harness the talent and power that is already within you, then you would begin to see a dramatic arc to your career path. Something is holding you back. Could it be fear of failure or, more likely, fear of success? You need to spend some time meditating about what you really want out of life. Once your heart’s desire is clear, it will be that much easier to claim it.
yes you need a router to split dsl service. i learned this a while back. if you have a hub one computer has to run through the other. not a good way to go…. from what i discovered…
Well, that’s not entirely true. I have (Verizon) DSL running fine with just a hub — no router — at the last place I was. And I know that in Darren‘s house, they have Comcast Cable with a hub and no router. In neither of those is one computer going through the other — all computers go straight to the hub which goes to the modem. But it’s possible that different locations have different necessities, depending on the local switching station, which is why what works at Darren’s house might not work in Jersey City.
Heh. Yup — all about that horoscope, isn’t it? 🙂
Yep. Mine worked just fine. Until the day that the second computer fell off the network. Entirely. Very strange.
Maybe Comcast changed their policy… they used to assign multiple IP’s per household (through DHCP) if they pay an extra $7 or so each month. If they don’t allow that anymore, I’ll have to pick up a router. I’m not sure that it’d be worth it, since I don’t see myself staying here for a long period of time. Oh, to have a feeling of permanency. That would be nice.
I don’t know about that. When I say that the other computer fell off the network, I mean the ENTIRE network, not just the internet connection. So, I don’t know if Comcast changed anything or not. I don’t THINK they did.
I have a hub. I have two IP addresses in my house. I have no problems (except for that day back in March when my second computer fell off the network completely for about 16 hours).
On a completely different tangent…”hookah”?
Yeah, hookah. You know, big Eastern-style bong.
Right. I would have known this…how?
Well, I don’t know how people come across these things initially. But here’s some information.