It was nice to get out and drive a bit–that is how I spent yesterday. I visited my storage area in south Jersey to find a book I had borrowed a while ago. Unfortunately the boxes I needed to get to were behind large pieces of furniture as well as other boxes, so instead of making a mess of the storage area and taking a hour or two, I decided to just go to the mall and buy a new copy. It was only a few bucks.
While I was at the mall, I called a friend and made plans for the evening. I also spoke to my mother which is always nice. Nothing much has changed out there in California.
Anyway, I decided it was time to give myself a little present for my birthday since I’ve been a good boy (and since I have a job and I am making some money). I picked up the soundtracks to O Brother, Where Art Thou?, The Lord Of The Rings, and David Byrne’s Look Into The Eyeball. I wandered around the mall some more, and eventually decided to get myself a fancy-new haircut.
After my adventures at the mall, I went to Borders to waste some more time before my eventual dinner and movie.
I saw the movie I Am Sam. It was a bit slow at parts, and a little long, but overall it was a decent movie. Sean Penn did a good job, and Michelle Pfeiffer reminded me of someone I know, but I’m not sure who.
Well, I hope that was informative.