Coming Soon To A TV Near You

Get Ready For Enron: The Movie. What better way to spread ignorance than to take a highly sensitive topic, add fluff to make it entertaining, and get the facts wrong for the sake of creating a good story? I can see it now… Ken Lay kidnapped by al-Qaeda terrorists…

To be fair, any ignorance isn’t the fault of the industry. The television stations and production companies are businesses and they’ll do whatever they have to do to make a profit. (…. Or to tell people they’re making a profit.)

A Prom Story

Tonight, my father’s girlfriend’s eldest son is going to his junior prom. First he’s going to a pre-prom party at his friend’s huge house, then he and his date are getting picked up by a limousine, then he will head to the prom. Afterwards, there’s a post-prom party as well.

In my time, I’ve been to five proms. First was my junior prom (see the picture above). B. said she’d go with me if no one else would. I don’t even think I asked anyone else. We went as “just friends,” and I think a day or two later, I ended up introducing her to C., who ended up being her boyfriend for a time.

Moving on… next year was my senior year in high school. I went to three proms that year. First there was the junior prom. L., a girl I knew from choir, asked me to go with her. We weren’t close friends, but she was a really nice person to be around. I had fun. I also went to a junior prom at a different high school with a different B. I don’t even remember how I got to know her. She was nice, but definitely more interested in me than I was with her.

The reason for that is because I spent most of my senior year with crushes on other girls. In fact, I got turned down by one of them for the senior prom. She said she just didn’t want to go to the senior prom. She was a sophomore, I think. Of course, she ended up going with someone else. I ended up going to the prom with another girl who told me she’d go with me if no one else would. She was a freshman who just wanted to go to the prom to hang around with the older kids, from what I could tell. But she was nice, and I think she had a good time. I didn’t see her much.

After high school, I went away to college but started a long-distance relationship with a girl I knew, J. She was a high school junior at the time, and she asked me to her prom. I went back to her high school at the end of my freshman year at college to attend the prom with her, and I have to say that it was my most enjoyable prom experience.

Maybe it’s because I didn’t know anyone else there. Maybe it’s because my date was my girlfriend. Maybe it’s because I wasn’t in high school. For whatever reason, the fifth one was the charm. However, none of my proms ever involved a limousine.

It’s A Start

I will be able to have my license reinstated at least until April 1. That makes me happy. Now all I need is a job…

I tried contacting someone I worked with at the University of Delaware when I was a student there. She had me working all around campus doing various web consulting jobs. Unfortunately, she has since retired and can’t be much help to me as far as getting a job at the University is concerned. (And I thought I had a pretty good shot going that route, through her.)

Mounting Frustrations

In case you follow the story of my life, here are some updates. I’m not taking the Elementary School job in Lakewood. I do have a couple of good leads on some tech jobs, though. I did find out this morning that one position I’m interested in is already in the interview process and I would get an interview if they can’t find anyone in the first batch. I’m not sure what to do — call back and tell them they want to consider me in the first batch? Wait a few days and call again to find out the status again?

Another job with a consulting/placement company is pretty likely from what I’ve heard through the grapevine, but I still haven’t heard from them directly.

Otherwise, I have a feeling that blindly replying to ads in the NY Times, Star Ledger, and without inside contacts is like shooting pigeons in the dark. (Is that a real metaphor or did I just make that up?)

In Case You Were Wondering

Hey. Hi there. Go right ahead, it’s okay. Really. I don’t mind if you link to this website. I don’t have a problem with it at all. Maybe you thought I would be upset about it if I noticed, but I won’t. Sorry I don’t have any fancy buttons right now, but you can still link without a button. Or you could make your own. You can call the link “Spike” or even “This Is Not A Website.” It’s up to you.

I just wanted to let you know that it’s fine with me.

The Power Of Money?

I revised my budget today. It’s amazing to think of the differences in my financial security at the end of a year by just manipulating the amount of income. I could not have continued for long working at my previous job. The salary as a starting teacher in most NJ towns sould not be too much better.

Working as a techie, even at a starting salary, would mean that I would not have to live paycheck to paycheck. If I get a job in the city and drop my car expenses, I would not have any money concerns at all.

It’s amazing what playing with a few numbers will do to your outlook on things.

Interesting Movies

Darren pointed this out to me today: Director Switches From Beer To Band. They’re filming a movie to be released in August about competition within a “southern” college marching band, featuring Orlando Jones as the band director. The director of the movie is the same guy who created the “Wazzzaaaaah” Budweiser TV ads. The movie is called Drumline, and is already listed in the Movie Database.

Also in the works is another movie from Chirstopher Guest, similar to the This Is Spinal Tap rockumentary.