I decided today that I’d rather have Linux on my laptop instead of Windows. So, after check to make sure it would work with my computer, I downloaded RedHat Linux 7.2. I backed up the important stuff on my computer and began the installtion. It got through most of the process, but choked when it asked for the second installation CD. Or rather, I chocked because I didn’t make, or even download, a second CD. So now my computer won’t function until I get the second CD somehow. So I’m working on that, but if anyone can assist, I’d be more than happy.
So….ummm….what computer are you using now?
Well, there’s a bunch of computers in this house, so all is not lost. In fact, I’m back on my laptop, running Linux, and everything is peachy. Except for the fact it’s four o’clock in the morning.
Hey, next time you should look me up. I couldn’t sleep either! *sigh* What is it with everyone going to bed at a decent hour? Sleep is overated I say, ha! 😉