This girl should win the Olympic gold medal, if cuteness were the only measurement.
But that’s not the only reason I like figure skating. The other night, some couple came out with a Pink Floyd program. They skated to the edited sounds of Shine On You Crazy Diamond, which is an amazing piece of music. I used it in a music analysis project in college… it was fun to analyze that type of music instead of the usual Mozart and such. The best part about that is that you can get as much out of it as you can from Mozart.
The pair that skated to Pink Floyd was the American champions. I’d put their names here, but I’d butcher the spellings completely.
As far as Jamie, the canadian goes, I can’t believe they didn’t get the Gold. They completely deserved it… But I guess I’m not a judge…
“if cuteness were the only measurement” ??? come on spike *rolls her eyes* oh and no, I’m not bitter at all, haha. They did deserve the gold…I’ll give you that. 🙂
Yeah, they should have won the gold. That ruling will be questioned for a very very long time.
Don’t be bitter, Kira — you’re cute, too. :>
she kind of looks a bit like Dar.
Well thank you so much Mr. Spike. Now, if I could only skate… 😉