So work has gone from being midly boring and slow to incredibly busy. There is a financial report due to the board tomorrow, and it’s interesting to see how this company works under stress and compare it to my past experiences at you-know-where. Here are some of the big differences.
People do not seem to crack under stress. When it’s cruch time, people spend time doing the work that needs to be done, instead of spending time on the phone complaining to their friends about how they have so much to do. People genuinely seem to want to help each other here. Personally, people seem to be very happy with the work I’m doing, and on top of all of this, I get paid when I work overtime! I left the office at a quarter to midnight last night , and will probably be staying late again tomorrow night with the rest of the team to finish up this report. And when you do stay late, and you work for the vice president of the company, they get a “car” to take you home instead of making you try to catch a late train.
On the other hand, large corporations seem to create work for themselves, but when you have a small non-profit organization with not many employees, there is a lot of excess that is stripped off. I wonder if a large corporation running stripped-down like a small company is something that would work.