Today I hooked up with a job placement company in New York. Maybe I’ll get some results with them. If I get a job where I do not need a car, I would be saving probably upwards of $3500 a year in insurance and $2400 a year in car payments. That’s a lot of money.
It was nice outside again today, so I went for a walk in town. I like this area… it’s too bad I probably wouldn’t be able to afford this area living by myself. It was 60 degrees today, but the average high for New York City on this date is 38.
Anyone looking to move up to Central Jersey? Hm. Didn’t think so.
I thought you had *decided*.
Don’t I already live in Central Jersey?
Decided? Well. I’m just doing more thinking. And yes, Darren you do live in Central Jersey, hence you would not be one who is looking to move up to Central Jersey. :>
you don’t wanna commute to nyc from central nj. it’s evil. trust me.
Maplewood’s a bit closer to the city than Hamilton. Maybe it’s considered North Jersey. I don’t know.
i want to move back to NJ and ill pretty much move wherever i can find a place to live. i pretty much /have/ job opportunities already in place, but right now, im lacking the money to move with. im hoping soon tho. but if you need a roommmate and think you can handle me, let me know.
yes i don’t think central when i think maplewood. i think more northern. that should be a little better… depending what modes of transportation are there. i highly recommend the train over bus.
I think that’s a matter of personal preference, Stace. I know a lot of people who would say that the bus is far preferable to the train. 😛
And yes, I consider Maplewood to be Northern NJ as well.
sarah’s from maplewood and she is sooo definitly a north jersey chick. so…yeah. MW = no. jersey 😛