I’ve made my decision. I’m going to take the elementary school job (providing I get through the final interview with the Superintendent, which shouldn’t be a problem). Here’s why:
- It will get me working in my chosen field.
- It will get me out of my father’s girlfriend’s house. They’ve been kind to let me stay, but that can’t last forever.
- It will get me closer to the high school job that I want.
- I can continue to look for better high school jobs for the fall.
- It’s only four months.
- I may not have to work with a chorus.
- I’ll have a lot of support from other staff members who work with “special-ed” or slightly handicapped kids.
The negatives about taking this job are that it’s not exactly what I want, I have little experience with kids with special needs and I won’t have my own classroom. And even though I still can’t picture myself working with these kids, I don’t have to start right away, so I can do some research and observing ahead of time.
Wait…now you’re teaching the special needs kids? I thought it was just elementary school choral teaching?
I would be teaching music to special needs kids, or as the principal explained, giving them a chance to have a musical experience. There might be two classes a week of chorus involved. There’s some indecision about that as to which teacher will be doing that.
So you’ll get to be a “roaming teacher”? I have a friend who has a position similar to what you described and she seems to like it although I’m sure she would prefer to have her own room. You might not have to do it for long so that’s good. Good luck…really hope you get to enjoy the kids. At that age, they are wide open to receive anything you have to offer.
The first week I taught elementary school, I played the different instruments of the wind family (since that’s my personal background). It was amazing how much that helped me the rest of the year. As if I proved to them I knew what I was talking about…because yes, you’ll have to earn their respect. Doing something like that for them, letting them ask you questions, will help them get to know you not only as a teacher but as a musician. And you’ll in turn learn about the things that interests them.
And teaching to kids with special needs…wow, that is what I really want to do.
Sorry this is so long. Wanted to e-mail you but couldn’t find your address anywhere on here. 🙂