Always Getting The News

So I’m preparing to see a lawyer tonight about my vehicle situation. Hopefully, with a lawyer, I’ll be able to convince them to reinstate my license for at least a short peiod of time. The frustrating part is that in order to get there without a car, I have to take a train into New York, walk ten blocks, and then take a bus back to New Jersey.

In other news, I just got word that a high school band director in a very good position is moving down to the middle school, and his high school position will be open. It’s in Pennsylvania and it’s a very well-paying school district. The organization there knows me pretty well; I’ve worked with them several times over the past few years. Also, I know the area pretty well, considering someone I know works in that town. The position might be above my reach, but now I have to decide if it’s worth a shot.


It’s like… he’s like… the kid who knows what your favorite toy is, takes it, plays with it for a few minutes, breaks it, leaves it on the floor and goes home.

Another Beautiful Day

Today I hooked up with a job placement company in New York. Maybe I’ll get some results with them. If I get a job where I do not need a car, I would be saving probably upwards of $3500 a year in insurance and $2400 a year in car payments. That’s a lot of money.

It was nice outside again today, so I went for a walk in town. I like this area… it’s too bad I probably wouldn’t be able to afford this area living by myself. It was 60 degrees today, but the average high for New York City on this date is 38.

Anyone looking to move up to Central Jersey? Hm. Didn’t think so.

The Enron Debacle

So everyone’s talking about the Enron “debacle.” Well, not everyone. Just the people who are concerned about current events. I wouldn’t be talking about it now, in fact, if I hadn’t noticed that the company offers career placement services for their “alumni” (aka. laid-off personnel). There’s an interesting concept.

Everyone’s Your Friend In NYC

Today, the warmest January Sunday I’ve experienced in recent history, I went into New York City with my father, his girlfriend, and her 14-year old son. We drove to Jersey City and took the PATH in. When we arrived, her son met up with a friend he knew from summer camp. The rest of us walked down through the Villiage towards “Ground Zero.” My father had worked in the building across the street from the World Trade Center until Septemer 11.

When we got to the viewing station that was created mainly as a tourist attraction, the line was too long to bother with.

We walked back uptown through Chinatown stopping in a little restaurant for a late lunch.

I’m living in a location right now where it’s very simple to get into the city by train. I wonder if working in the city might be a better opportunity for me right now.

Going To Do It

I’ve made my decision. I’m going to take the elementary school job (providing I get through the final interview with the Superintendent, which shouldn’t be a problem). Here’s why:

  • It will get me working in my chosen field.
  • It will get me out of my father’s girlfriend’s house. They’ve been kind to let me stay, but that can’t last forever.
  • It will get me closer to the high school job that I want.
  • I can continue to look for better high school jobs for the fall.
  • It’s only four months.
  • I may not have to work with a chorus.
  • I’ll have a lot of support from other staff members who work with “special-ed” or slightly handicapped kids.

The negatives about taking this job are that it’s not exactly what I want, I have little experience with kids with special needs and I won’t have my own classroom. And even though I still can’t picture myself working with these kids, I don’t have to start right away, so I can do some research and observing ahead of time.