Well, it just kind of figures, doesn’t it. The only entry on this journal ever to inspire discussion was political. Shudder.
Well, I’m excited because tomorrow I’m going to New York City for the first time in months. I’m going to see Barenaked Ladies at the Roseland Ballroom. I haven’t seen a concert since July, and that was also Barenaked Ladies. I need to get out more and see more live music.
Have a great time. It would be better if you were seeing Barenaked LADIES, but I hear that the Barenaked LAIDES are also quite good. 🙂
In my opinion, most barenaked things are good. Unless its that dream where you realize you’re barenaked in class. That’s never good.
Okay, just for you Darren, because you have a nice new design for your weblog created by Miss Julie, I’ve gone back and fixed the typo. As for your dream, Becca, I think it’s better if I just keep my mouth shut and stay out of trouble.
why is everyone going to that but me??? 🙁
say hi to randi…..