First Night

I spent my first night in the new apartment last night. It wasn’t too bad. I slept on a futon that was graciously left for me, and even without a frame on a hardwood floor, it wasn’t cold. I’m going away for the weekend now, so I won’t even see this place again until Sunday night. My life needs to slow down for a minute or two. A vacation to Arizona is on order.

Speaking of the vacation, I checked with my boss before buying the plane tickets. He had no problems with the dates we chose. We got a good rate because of the days we chose to depart and return. But this morning, I came in to work, and saw that he sent an email asking if it would be possible for me to change my departure to the following day, since he’s trying to plan an office holiday party for the day I originally chose. To change both tickets, it would cost $200 at the minimum, and on top of that there could be a change in the price of the tickets.

8 thoughts on “First Night”

  1. The correct answer is “No, I’m sorry, but I’ve purchased my tickets, and I can’t change the date of departure at this time.” See how easy that is? 🙂

  2. You could follow that up with “and since it’s a PARTY — which may be fun and all but is not an actual important work-related committment — I won’t even have a second thought about telling you ‘no’.” 🙂

  3. The idea for the holiday party was to see a double-header of Blue Man Group and Stomp. It would definitely suck to miss that, but I’d rather go away if given the choice. I’ll see the shows some other time.


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