I had dinner with my father and his girlfriend tonight. He has now fully moved into her house, and they both seem quite happy. That’s good. We had homemade Chinese food and my father told me of his adventures in Bulgaria and Athens. After dinner and stories, A. brought out some delicious “Death By Chocolate” ice cream, which brings me to the point of the entry, nevermind the crazy co-worker of my father’s, who decided he didn’t want to come back to the U.S. after they were finished with their job in Bulgaria.
I can’t tolerate lactose. Hate the stuff. Why do humans drink milk of another animal? No other mammal drinks the milk of another species to the best of my knowledge. They drink the milk of their mother until they reach a certain point in their development, and then they stop. Why are people so difficult, and insist that milk is good for you? Our bodies are not designed to break down milk sugars efficiently after we reach a certain age. And yet we insist that milk-based foods are essential. Calcium? Calcium is easily obtained from other foods.
Disagree? Show me a wild monkey sucking on an udder.