OH! I nearly forgot that Alissa can play too! 🙂 And Darren, cuz when he gets that Princeton job, they won’t have so much stuff in the summer. I’m looking forward to it already!
hm. I can’t really play all summer. I still have to take classes full time and I still have to work at my regular job full time. But I don’t have any classes in August, and I have vacation days from work, so I can definitely play *some of the time*. Which is not now. Now I have to write a paper. 🙂 But having time in the future set aside to play sounds great.
Except that I probably WON’T get that job, and I’ll soon end up in some idiotic, mindless full-time job, and then I will not be around during the summer. Not that it will matter at that point, anyway.
Yay, Spike!!! It is expensive and that does suck…but it is so worth it…
could I BE any more excited? Finally! A concrete step away from slavery! (Plus, you’ll have summers free so you and Ali and I can all go play!)
and we won’t have to wait until December to go on vacations! Although it’s kind of nice going on vacation when it’s so dreary here….
OH! I nearly forgot that Alissa can play too! 🙂 And Darren, cuz when he gets that Princeton job, they won’t have so much stuff in the summer. I’m looking forward to it already!
hm. I can’t really play all summer. I still have to take classes full time and I still have to work at my regular job full time. But I don’t have any classes in August, and I have vacation days from work, so I can definitely play *some of the time*. Which is not now. Now I have to write a paper. 🙂 But having time in the future set aside to play sounds great.
Just keep focusing on the eventual arrival of play time. 🙂 SOMEday, we’ll have time to relax a bit. At least, I think so….
Except that I probably WON’T get that job, and I’ll soon end up in some idiotic, mindless full-time job, and then I will not be around during the summer. Not that it will matter at that point, anyway.
Way to be positive, Darren. Don’t make me tell you that you need to be taking optimism lessons from Spike.
Well that would be scary.
Don’t make me sing, Spike.
Tee hee. Hooray for Buffy references!