Work Update

Here’s an update on my previous comment. Our organization is apprently in the worst financial state it’s ever been. My department has to find a way to make $100,000 more than what is currently projected. This is going to happen in the form of a lot of un-paid overtime.

From what I can tell, a certain co-worker is under the impression that I don’t do anything and my presence within the company has not helped the organization. I know the organization would be lost without me, and though it’s often very tempting to leave, I don’t because I like what we do, and I believe in what we do. The problem is that certain person(s) make it nearly impossible for me to enjoy doing what we do when these certain person(s) are around. It hurts because this job is something I work hard to do well, and my “manager” creates her own view of the way things are.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go to sleep soon so I can be in the office by 7:00 am tomorrow morning.

There’s An Idea

Gwen wrote about Books on CD today. I would like to get my hands on some of those… Although I love music, I waste several hours of the day in my car just listening to music or news on the radio. If I could find some useful Books on CD, I think I would be a little happier. Anyone have any suggestions?

Work Affecting Life, Life Affecting Work

My boss came to a realization last night. He was taking a class—some sort of class that requires you to think about your life and your philosophy when it comes to business. He seems to take a lot of these classes, but for the first tim, I think this one class is telling him something the others aren’t:

You don’t have to overwork yourself to death to be successful.

At our meeting this morning, he shared his discovery with us. He said that he realized that when he was young, he created the idea that he was stupid, or less intelligent that other people doing the same thing, so he worked harder. At least he had that—he could work harder than anyone in his classes when he was younger. This carried on into later in his life, and for a long time it paid off. He saved more than one organization from complete failure and turned them into something excellent. But this model of behavior isn’t working for him anymore. He works harder and harder, takes on more and more responsibility, more programs, and nothing gets done. He’s upset at his body for having to sleep because there’s more things he could be doing.

We talked about how it’s easy to get frustrated with our jobs, because the way we work causes it to be a major part of our lives, affecting everything we do. When personal responsibilities are neglected, we resent our jobs.

It was an interesting discussion, and I never thought I’d hear him say some of those things.

Back To Square One

I didn’t get that house in Waldwick that I was hoping for. Also, I had the possibility of living with a friend, but she’s probably going with a one-bedroom in Pennsylvania now. Since I’ll be working at a show in Pennsylvania today, tomorrow will be my “re-organizing, re-evaluating and otherwise thinking about my life” day.

World Trade Center Memorial CD

In order to put myself at ease, I’ve come up with a project. This is an audience participation project, so it is important that you help me out. I am going to make a compact disc compilation to give tribute to those who have been hurt in the past few days. What I need from you are suggestions of songs to include on this CD. I’ll sell these CD’s for $10.11 each — $9.11 to give to a charity fund helping survivors from the catastrophe and $1.00 to cover shipping. If I’m able to sell 50 CD’s, I will send a free CD to everyone who suggested a song that I ended up using. Please use the comments below for song suggestions.

On the radio this morning, they were accepting callers who wanted to go into the City to volunteer. The DJs were telling many people that they have an incredible amount of volunteers already, and that it might be better to use your talents to help in other ways. That is how I came up with this idea. Plus, I’ve been kind of upset over this whole turn of events, and I think this will help me get over it. Please write in with your suggestions. If you want to buy a CD, I’ll have information on that soon.

Also, those of you who have weblogs etc., feel free to link this entry in order to get more people involved. Thanks.