Oh, and I Almost Forgot

Here’s something interesting that happened Saturday night. After Finals, all the drum corps are on the field during the awards ceremony. After the trophies are given out, over 1500 fourteen to twenty-two year-olds say goodbye to their friends that they’ve made, some to never see each other again. Suddenly, there is a lot of commotion in front of one of the corps, the Boston Crusaders, who had a good year, but not nearly as good as last year. A lot of the kids are cheering and jumping up and down for some reason.

The camera crew runs over to the scene. Some shaky pictures are flashed up on the JumboTron screen. The announcer then says over the stadium-wide speakers (with names changed here, since I don’t really remember what they were), “Ladies and Gentlemen, we have an announcement. Brian, from the Crusaders, has asked Jen to marry him, and it looks like she said yes!” On the JumboTron, we could see a close-up of Jen’s new engagement ring.

The audience, well the thousands who were sticking around to see the winner’s encore performance, cheered for them. It was an amazing experience… and we can only imagine how many drum corps engagements there will be at Finals next year.

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