What Do I Really Believe?

So I took the Belief-O-Matic test that Alissa linked to. Apparently I am 100% Unitarian Universalist and slightly less of a Liberal Quaker, Liberal Protestant, Secular Humanist and Neo-Pagan. Interestingly, Taoism was number 12 on the list at 57% and Conservative Judaism didn’t even make the list (though Reform (49%) and Orthodox (25%) did).

This page has turned into a Not Weblog (which I had been saying all along) since I don’t really link much. Instead I write mostly about myself, as one would in a journal. Due to the lack of linkage (well, except for this entry), I have set up a new weblog (using the ever-popular and hopefully more reliable Blogger) called Leftover Bits of the Web. It also uses Dan‘s dotcomments for feedback. Please go there. I don’t have lots of time during the day to “blog,” but every once in a while (more frequently than here) I’ll get to throw something up there.

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