Happy Independence Day

Considering it’s past midnight, I guess it’s too late for that. Ah well. This is the first Fourth of July where I did not see any fireworks. Granted, the past few years I’ve seen the fireworks at drum corps shows without any of my closer friends, and being with friends but without fireworks is better than seeing fireworks alone. Skipping most of the details involving New Hope, crazy ice cream, and Mexican food, I saw Cats & Dogs tonight. It was a little cute, and that’s all I really have to say about it. Cats were the bad guys and dogs were the good guys… not sure if I agree with that premise.

Things Learned Last Night

In no particular order:

  • Walmart is not open 24 hours a day. Neither is Target (use the French pronunciation), Wegmans, K-Mart, CVS, or Michael’s Diner
  • You can never find an All-Night Sock Emporium when you need one
  • Just because you think you remember the location of the the bowling alley doesn’t mean you do
  • Downtown Trenton isn’t as nice at midnight as it is during the day
  • Ask for honey mustard, you’ll get honey barbecue sauce (I think)
  • Deer won’t run into the road until you’re close to them

For Those Of You Paying Attention…

The website is sporting a new design. I’ve been working on it bit by bit for a while, and I finally finished it on Sunday. Today Dreamhost upgraded my account which threw a whole bunch of things off, which I’ve just “frantically” gone through and fixed. So if you’ve had any problems posting comments, you shouldn’t now.

Also, I’ve made some additions to go along with the new design. I put up a new photograph collection from the day I attended the Princeton Fete. There’s a spiffy new About Me area including my infamous radio interview with Redbeard. And yes, that is Tyler (the Cat) on the front page.

Two Out Of Three Ain’t Bad

Yesterday, I spent the day [DELETED]. Every year, my skin peels after the show, and I never seem to remember to do anything about it.

In the skies were threatening bad weather. About five minutes before the show, the sky finally opened and gave us a little bit of drizzle. The audience was well-prepared and whipped out their umbrellas. Thankfully, as the first corps came on the field, the rain subsided. We knew the night would be fine when a rainbow came out during their performance.

At intermission, we started to see lightning and even hear a little bit of approaching thunder. We were able to move the show along so that the storm didn’t arrive until after the show was over and most people had gone home. We were lucky to avoid the bad weather, and it ended up being a great show.

Some of the students who participated in [DELETED] were at the show, and they made their presence known by yelling out my name when I was down on the field. It feels good to have a fan club.