A few weeks ago, I finally put in a request with the US Postal Service to have my forwarded from my old apartment to the place in which I live now. I mailed the request to a postmaster somewhere, and it took about a week to be active. For a few days, I actually received mail addressed to me in my new house. Then, nothing. It crossed my mind that possibly I just wasn’t getting any mail, but I used to get tons of junk mail every day and various bills pretty frequently. I ruled out the possibility that I just wasn’t getting anything. I confirmed this yesterday when I talked to Becky and Jim (who live in the apartment once rented to me). Apparently they have been receiving my mail lately.
Why would USPS decide that after a week I no longer needed my mail forwarded? The form was filled out correctly…
You should go to your post office in person and find out what the problem is. Or call them, since you’re probably never around when the post office is open. At least you know the people who live there, so it shoudn’t be a problem to get your mail.
They don’t forward 3rd class mail (uh, junk mail) but you should get your bills forwarded. Tell the new people to write on the letters ‘please forward’ and put the mail in their mailbox to be picked up. I’ve had all kinds of trouble like this myself in the past.
And be prepared for weirdness… I had a similar situation, and I called my local post office to make sure they had all the correct information. Someone called me back a few days later to tell me that my mail was, too, being forwarded, that the carrier was taking care of it, and I didn’t know what I was talking about. It was very bizarre.
Hi Spike!
According to Miss G— G—, who recently found out the hard way herself (she had the same problem), the US Postal Service now delivers mail not by HOUSE but instead by NAME. This means that if you have not officially registered YOUR NAME with your new local post office, they won’t associate your current residence with you and will send all your bills back marked Return to Sender. They didn’t tell anyone officially that they were doing this, but they are. Strange, eh?
i’m having similar problems in which i don’t feel like i’m getting my mail… even though i’ve called all the appropriate places to physically change my address…. jen is still getting some – including a letter from the post office!
they’re just dumb is what i say….
Well, Stacey, I know that when you forward your mail, they usually send a confirmation letter to both your new address and your old one. But this thing that Robin is talking about sounds REALLY weird.
i guess the weird thing was that they sent the confirmation to the old address weeks after they were supposed to start forwarding the mail…. so that doesn’t make too much sense, no?
Update. I called the Postal Service office and they said that they were aware that my mail should be forwarded, and suggested maybe it’s just the Third Class mail which wasn’t being forwarded. It was in fact all mail, including First Class mail, which is still being delivered to my Old Apartment. She said she would leave a note for the carrier. I think she lied. Still, no mail here.
I have come to the conculsion that our postal system is completely broken.
I am wondering what kind of people are they hiring.To bad we can’t go totally to E-mail for everything.
I moved 4 months ago and still having problems, I have called both postal locations, they say all is in order, my mail is still being returned to sender,at both locations.I have had bills turned over to collection agent etc.where do you go from here?