The writer Douglas Adams passed away after a heard attack yesterday. He was the author of the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. Also, he was a bridge between two of my adolescent hobbies (well, obsessions), Doctor Who and Pink Floyd. He wrote and edited some of the best Dr. Who stories, and was a good friend of the members of Pink Floyd.
Month: May 2001
A Knight’s Movie
I went to the movies tonight to see A Knight’s Tale. (Official website is here.) The suggestion was Darren‘s; I didn’t particularly want to see it after having seen the trailer for the film. However, I try to go into all new experiences with an open mind, so that I did.
Okay, so there were a couple of cheesy parts in the movie. But, in general it was just really well done — particularly the story. Forget whatever preconceptions you have about this film and just go see it.
I think movies help to bring my emotions out. In general the past few years I’ve been kind of reserved in my emotions, but I find that I can be moved by film and music, as well as visual art to a lesser extent. Even the smallest hint of humor in a movie will make me laugh, and the slightest twinge of sincerity or love can fill me up. I guess we all need an outlet.
So anyway, my point is, go see A Knight’s Tale.
Drugs are Bad
3 Dead in NY Drug-Related Shooting
I heard about this on the radio this morning. The news announcer said that the police were quoted as saying that the shooting broke out when “the drug deal went bad.”
What was the drug deal before it was bad?
I Missed It
There are leaves on all the trees. When did this happen? The last thing I remember it was freezing outside and it was that “winter” part of the year. Then I look up, and it’s 90 degrees and things are growing everywhere.
Working In The Bar
Last night Darren got a call to do sound for Scared Turtles, a cover band, who were playing in a bar in south Jersey. I went with him to give him some assistance. The band was actually pretty good… definitely better than another band that we often go see on the Jersey shore. The lead singer, Marcia, was very friendly, as were all the bar staff. Aside from overloading the circuits after the first song, the night went pretty well. I had some time to stand behind the (huge) mixer and control the board, which was fun.
This bar doesn’t shut down until 3:00 am, an hour after the band stopped playing, so it was a little slow trying to get all of the equipment out of there, between microphones, mic stands, monitors, speakers, mixing board, the racks, and the bins and crates full of cable. We finally found an all-night diner in the area after 4:00 am.
I think this is the first time I’ve actually enjoyed hanging out in a bar. Maybe it is because I was working and actually had things to do.
So Far, So Good
I finished packing and moved 95% of my stuff to my new place between the hours of 7:00pm and 2:00am. I still have stuff left that I need to decide what I want to do with. There is a community yard sale on Saturday, and I think I’ll try to sell some of the stuff off. Anyone want a large collection of Doctor Who videos or books? I really have no use for them anymore, but it’s such a good collection it would be a shame to throw them out. How about a queen-size bed?
Ahhh, The Music Business
Historically, musicians have had one of two unattractive choices:
- Align themselves with major label exploiters and agree to unfair compensation in the hopes of one day reaching a national audience; or
- Resign themselves to working with indies and a life in the shadows.
I think the world is starting to realize the need for a change. I think the Future of Music Coalition will play a big part in this change in the near future.
Discovery and Misconception?
From my research on CD-R’s, I made another discovery. You’ve seen those people who have CD’s hanging from their rear view mirrors? For years I just thought it was some people’s idea of “cool.” Now it turns out that they are buying into a myth that CD’s, because of their reflective properties, will shield a car from radar detection.
I found a new radio station to listen to while not in the car: Radio Paradise. Speaking of not being in a car, I realized that I still have to weigh whether living in the area where I live now is worth the three to four hours wasted while driving. Maybe there’s a way not to waste that time, but I haven’t figured that out yet. I found some information on CD-R’s, for those who wonder what the differences are between the different brands and colors.
Today I’m going into NYC to hang out at the 42nd St. Theater. We hooked up a high school band with another Broadway gig.