In a desperate attempt to maintain a life, Spike has sort of made plans for the weekend. On Friday night, he is probably going to see Moulin Rouge. Spike covertly and inadvertently switches from third to first person. Saturday I’ll be spending time near Cowtown, New Jersey at the Appel Farm Arts and Music Festival, seeing the likes of Dar Williams, Erin McKeown, and probably some other performers. And what of Sunday, you ask? (Well, maybe you didn’t, so I asked for you.) I’ll be going to Maryland for some work-related stuff. Band parents and stadiums and whatnot.
Did you know there is Whatnot in Maryland? You learn something new every day.
So what are your plans for the weekend? Everybody answers this time. I want to know what’s going on in your life; I grow ever weary of writing about mine without knowing what my readers are up to.