Here are some pictures from Passover at Gwen‘s house. I haven’t had a chance to work on a neat little interface for the photo gallery, so you’ll just have to deal with that for now. Take a look to see how cute Alissa‘s friends from high school are. Unfortunately, my digital camera has problems and does not like to display the correct colors. I’ve done the best I can to fix them up in Photoshop, but I think maybe I’m going to stick to regular photographs from now on.
They look pretty good to me — we *are* rather cute, aren’t we. 🙂
Heh. My cat is the cutest thing *ever*. 🙂
What’s up with the matzoh ball picture?
heh. They were matzoh juggling balls, Gwen’s prize for finding the afikomen (??) on Saturday night. I found it on Sunday and came home with a matzoh jigsaw puzzle, to go with the matzoh beachball I won for finding it at last year’s seder. 😉