This NorthPoint crisis is going to drive me insanse. I have the whole office sharing a 56K dial-up connection. Our internet service provider doesn’t have any clue when they’ll have a contract with a new DSL network, if ever. The earliest we can be sure we’ll have new DSL is April 19th. We cannot get email in or out of the office, so all the mail is coming into one POP mailbox, and I set up forwarding rules to hopefully distribute the email to the rightful owner. Is anybody else dealing with this?
No…but your current webcam picture is REALLY freaking me out…
Seeing as how your current DSL provider really screwed you royal, why can’t you just say that they broke whatever agreement you guys had with them and find new service?
We are getting completely new service from Verizon as of April 19th. That’s the earliest they can get it installed, and they’re the only option in the area for DSL. AT&T, which bought NorthPoint’s assets, is not keeping NorthPoint’s customers and honoring their contracts. Jerks.
Dude…the picture. It’s still freaking me out.
Yeah, that picture’s kinda freaking me out too…
Are you sleeping or drunk?? or was it a really long night.
I don’t know what you guys are talking about. 🙂
Your webcam photo. It looks like you’re in the process of taking a punch to the jaw, or something.
Alright, alright. I’ll change it sometime when I’m home. Anyway, an update on the computer saga. I spend all day trying to reverse a problem that mysteriously appeared last night while I was at home. The problem reversed itself just as mysteriously today with no apparent indication of where the problem came from originally. Why did I ever get into computers, anyway?