Automobile Saga

I got an estimate today on the damage to my car from the other night. What I thought were pretty minor scratches totalled $227.90 in damages. Some people tell me that it’s not worth it, I should just paint over it myself. Some people said that if I went to sell the car at some point, I should take care of it the right way. I decided I would get at least one more estimate from somewhere else, even if I thought the price they would quote would be around the same. So I called up Karen (the girl who hit me) to tell her what I’ve found, expecting her to not take the news so lightly. After all, it is a lot of money — at least for me. She seemed pretty nonchalant about the whole thing, and she made it sound like the price wasn’t such a big deal. She wanted me to just tell her what it comes out to and she will send a check.

5 thoughts on “Automobile Saga”

  1. that’s exactly what happened to me when that guy hit my mirror when we were in San Francisco. I thought he was going to be upset when the estimate came out to over $300 just to replace the mirror, but he just sent me a check to cover the estimate. You should definitely get it taken care of as soon as possible, while she’s still willing to pay. If she’s paying, why not get it fixed? Really, I’m sure she doesn’t want you to turn it into insurance, so in her eyes she’s getting off easy just paying the bill this way.

  2. Exactly. You’re not paying for it, and if you don’t get it fixed, it will lower the resale value of the car. And she is willing to pay it because ultimately, she is saving money this way (although, maybe not. When Ali did minor damages to some guy’s car, the insurance company told us not to worry about it, because since it didn’t even come up to the deductible ($500), it wouldn’t affect our insurance at all. They paid the claim, and we never knew anything about it….but maybe we just have really cool insurance. 🙂

  3. You should get it fixed,because it will create more damage if you don’t. If you wait it will start to rust,thus paying more to fix. Fixing it now will save you money later. Since she is willing to pay for it, GO FOR IT!!!!!


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