It’s time to pull out all the stops and express your creativity on the largest scale possible. You could touch the lives of many people around you and increase your own financial standing at the same time. Your first thoughts need to be for the welfare of all concerned. What you do on the surface of your life is only a small part of your personality.
That’s my horoscope for Thursday. It seems kind of deeper than usual. I’m currently reading The Unbearable Lightness of Being, and maybe that has something to do with it, somehow. My favorite line of the book so far: Why take pictures of cactuses? Well, it might not make sense here, but it makes sense within the context of the book.
can you expain the context…?
Yes, I can. A female character was trying to persuade a second female character that to advance her photgraphy career, she should take pictures of things that are more marketable, like landscapes, specifically cactuses was the suggestion, instead of things that really touched her. This second character saw no beauty in cactuses, and wanted to take pictures of her homeland being invaded.
got it. Thank you. It’s kind of funny, though, because I like to take picutres of cactuses, (Cacti? Anyway…) because we don’t have them here. Grass is always greener, I suppose. We never appreciate the beautiful things that go on around us every day, but visitors think we’re so much luckier than they are. And if we were to visit them we would feel the same about where they live….Wouldn’t it be nice if we could just go around switching places with people all the time so we would always feel we were living in the most beautiful place? I suppose it would be much more feasible to just open our eyes to what’s around us where we are….
I remember reading that book. I remember thinking that Milan Kundera was a pompous jackass that only wrote for the *intellectuals*. Whatever – maybe thats just me.
We have this Australian guy working with us right now, and today at lunch he was talking about things “back home.” We got into a discussion about how for them, seeing a kangaroo by the side of the road is like seeing a deer for us. Apparently they hit a lot of kangaroo while driving in Australia. I would think that seeing kangaroo by the side of the road was the coolest thing in the world, but for him, it’s just another road kill.