Speaking of California, sorry I

Speaking of California, sorry I haven’t gotten any stories from vacation up yet. Here’s a quick one.

I’m not exactly a great bowler. In high school, we were able to take Bowling as an elective in our gym class. That’s where most of my experience comes from. My average score was probably just a little bit over 100, and I remember that I would get excited when I broke 120. I’ve only bowled a few times since then.

While we were in southern California, Alissa and I passed a bowling alley on the way to the beach to go whale watching. She commented that she hadn’t gone bowling in a while and would like to go. I told her that sounded fine with me, so the next day, we went.

The only bowling ball I could find that felt right to me had a crack in one of the finger holes and was really uncomfortable, but maybe that’s the trick to bowling a really good game. We played four games, and my score in the first game was a 168. Alissa was already unhappy with me because I told her I was pretty bad. You can bet I was pretty happy about bowing a 168. I think my score for the next game was 138, but it’s really not important, because I started the third game with five strikes in a row. How in the world did I do that? I have no idea, but I did know that by this point Alissa was pretty upset with me for making her think I was less than average. My score for that game was 201. The guys in the lane next to us even congratulated me on a good game. The league representatives rushed over and tried to get me to sign up. Just kidding on that last part.

After that, our fourth game wasn’t much of anything, but we were both tired by then. If I get a chance I’ll write some more California stories later.