14 thoughts on “Something is Different Around Here”

  1. i’m not too far behind ya as well, in switching to greymatter. but wasn’t it a pain to switch over? but when all is said and done, it’ll be worth all the work.

  2. I like when people spell grey with an “e” instead of an “a”. People have always told me it was wrong to spell it that way, but it’s so much nicer…. (yes, I know it’s an acceptable spelling, but try arguing with someone who thinks their way of spelling something is the only way….) Not that this has anything to do with anything… just wanted to put that out there. 😉

  3. well… all i know is it took forever (ie – just as long if not longer)… to load your comments page as it did with blogvoices…

    but i’m willing to give it a try 🙂

  4. I think that has more to do with the layout (nested tables aren’t fun) than with server delays… though my server is kind of slow in general. My new redesign should streamline everything, if I ever get around to finishing it.

  5. Grey / Gray ? I figured it was Greymatter since it was written by Noah Grey. Surnames are generally spelt Grey and the colour is generally spelt Gray. Love your page here, it’s really cool btw 🙂

  6. I think it’s nifty…and My friend has been trying to get me to switch over to greymatter for the past month, but I’m doubting being able to run it through Penn State’s web server..what do you think?

  7. see… I’ve always seen both names and colors spelled both ways (David Gray…)and I just prefer it with an “e”, both in names and the color. So… I don’t know. I guess I’ll just keep spelling things the way I want to and accept that half the people out there are going to think I’m nutty. But I don’t think that’s what we’re supposed to be discussing here.

    Yeah, Sipke… this is just as slow….and I don’t like the green writing on the grey background. See, there I go already. 😉


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