I love New Jersey. Tonight as I was exiting the turnpike at Interchange 9 (New Brunswick), the car two spots ahead of me was taking his sweet old time getting his money out for the toll collector. This was clearly making the car in front of me very, very unhappy. He was turning his steering wheel back and forth, moving closer to the other car, sticking his head out the window, and holding his arms up in the air. All at the same time.
The car at the booth finally pulled away and the one in front of me pulled up to the guy taking the money. The driver just sort of left his money there on the edge of the booth for the collector to find and drove off, probably uttering some type of obscenity in the process.
The toll collector was quite unhappy about this situation, and called back to the car as it was screeching away, “Come back here, f*cker!” I pulled up, payed my toll in exact change, but before I could slip away, he defended his position to me by muttering, “F*cking coward.”
It’s a pleasure driving in New Jersey. Everyone should do it at least once in their life.