Tonight I saw La vita è bella (also known as Life is Beautiful). Like most good movies, it made me think. I thought about how my culture and heritage is special to me and how I want similar things to be special to my children. I thought about all the trouble people went through over the last several millennia to not let the Jewish heritage die away.
And wouldn’t you know it, but a girl from Argentina, Jessica Landes, sends me an ICQ message when I get home, asking if it were possible that we would be related. So we talked a little, and our family histories seem to match so far. This could be interesting. Her first question was whether I was Jewish, which I am, and I countered with the question of whether she was a Levite. (A Levite is a descendant of Joseph’s brother Levi, a family which provided the second level of high priests in the Temple at Jerusalem.) She said she was. So we’re going to check into this further.