I heard a commerical on

I heard a commerical on the radio today for Guru.com, and when I got home, Darren ICQ’d me to tell me to check it out. So I did. It looks like it could be useful for people like me, only it kept breaking down and not letting me advance from one step to the next. Hmph. And to top it all off, Blogger was down too, so I couldn’t write about it immediately, I had to write this down with Notepad.

I’m currently reading Einstein’s Dreams,

I’m currently reading Einstein’s Dreams, by Alan Lightman. It’s a book which hypothesizes about what might have gone on in the nocturnal subconscious mind of Albert while he was formulating his theories on time. It’s a dream log of sorts. I used to keep a dream long. In fact, in high school I got to the point that I was able to remember four dreams every night. Of course nothing in the book is true, but so far, it’s very fascinating.

I sold out and added

I sold out and added a link to my Amazon.com Wish List. Even though I don’t completely agree with their practices, they do have good prices. Also, you can now subscribe to my website updates emailing list by sticking your email address in that box on the right. You won’t get any spam, I promise. I write to it very rarely.