Well, happy birthday to me.

Well, happy birthday to me. My good friend Bryan went bowling with me today. Although I pretty much sucked, it was fun. Where was Darren you ask? I’m not sure. The earlier part of the weekend was spent at Alissa’s house. Dinners, movies, cakes, lots of talking. You know the deal.

Hey, I discovered this site

Hey, I discovered this site today. It’s perfect for the politically ignorant like myself… I plugged in my views and it told me which candidates match my beliefs. There’s also profiles on all those people who are trying to be the next President of the US.

I’m Listening To The Radio

So at work, I generally listen to the radio, since our internet connection is too slow for streaming audio. Anyway, I listen to a classic rock station called Q104.3 (whose web site is not up apparently). It’s classic rock, so they basically play similar songs each day, just at different times. When I hear “stomp, stomp, clap. stomp, stomp, clap,” I prepare myself to hear We Will Rock You by Queen. And by preparing I usually hear songs in my head before the melody actually starts. And I’m pretty good at remembering what key the songs start in. But We Will Rock You always throws me off. I don’t get it. Not only does that song create for me cognitive dissonance, it creates musical dissonance.


It’s free when you download from work… TMBG Radio. It’s programmed by the Johns themselves, and it includes their music as well as other people’s music they like.


Well, calling people to get people to call people was alright, because I knew some of them, and everyone was quite friendly.