
Well, I’ve done it again! Redesigned the site for a new, sleeker look. In the last few days I also put an about this site page up, which includes your general information, awards, and web rings. Don’t forget to answer this question before you leave

You may be thinking that, since all these Thoughts are about updates to my web page, this is all I think about. Not true. Lately I’ve been thinking about what I want to do with my life, what I want to do this summer, and what I want to do for the next three weeks. As it turns out, I’ve decided on one of these things: This summer I will be going on tour [DELETED].

New Web Features

For a little bit of user interactivity, I created nice additions to my web page. Though the idea can be found elsewhere, I hope you enjoy my version of it. Take a look at my question and answer session [DEFUNCT]. If you’re interested in dating me, just fill out this simple application form [DEFUNCT], and he’ll get back to you.